I have a software application targeting the education sector. I lack sales knowledge and would like to sell it through distributors. Can anyone recommend any distributors specializing in education and education products?
The (very very) brief description of the product itself: It allows a teacher or professor to create incredibly interactive and dynamically changing lessons. The lessons are then distributed to the students who then go through the lessons and learn.
It has some pretty neat features, and of course it's "secret sauce."
Distributors can be a good strategy to sell product outside of your core market.
To identify the distributor that might work well with you, try to identify which software companies are complementary to your product and pursue their distributors. For example, http://www.focuseducational.com/html/reseller.php Alternatively, there may be non-traditional distribution partners worth considering. http://www.edmodo.com/ is the 'facebook' for education and may eventually be a platform for teachers to communicate and change curricula with their students. CMS solutions like blackboard or schoolnet might be others.
If you decide to sell direct, be aware who makes the purchasing decision - teachers, schools or districts.