Is it even worth it anymore to build desktop versions of your web apps?
What are some benefits of having a desktop version for mac and windows of your app?
One glaring downside is obviously supporting that app for the long term.
Of late, many of the "desktop apps" that SaaS providers offer are simply webapps with a local server. Somewhat simplifies things, but you still need to keep the remotely installed apps up to date.
There are some notable advantages of desktop applications:
Of course, not all applications and not all userbases have a need for these features. Indeed, in some cases the opposite is more desirable (remote storage so you can access it from anywhere, etc.).
You know the specifics of your application and your users better than we could ever dream of knowing, so you're going to have to make that decision yourself, preferably after consulting with your users themselves.
But yes, in the general case, there are still times where a desktop application in some form or another is useful as a companion with the web app, and some cases where a desktop app is preferable to a web app. Web and mobile have become powerful methods for delivering value to people, but I can't imagine it will ever kill off all desktop apps.