We are confused between choosing a domain for our small niche website. We've following options:
It is 4 letter, pronounceable, and abbreviation of our keywords
It's .com is registered and redirects to some Chinese tourist website.
What bothers us is .net tld and not .com
It is easy to remember but long 21 characters. It has SEO benefits.
Please suggest if it is okay to develop with 4 letter .net (abbreviated, pronounceable) or go with a .com (long) which has keywords in it.
Mostly, i think it depends on your type of visitors and how they reach you:
it all depends on your specific business and marketing strategy.
either way, keep in mind that its not a life-or-death decision. many companies change their domain name as the company grows anyway.
People rarely type URLs: they mostly click from link to link (when was the last time you actually typed a URL?). So if you agree with that then you're better off choosing something that's memorable and that has SEO benefits. That's just my opinion but I think that's all anybody can give you because there's no definite answer.