What is the easiest way to charge credit cards?


My site accepts credit cards through PayPal, but some customers still send me credit card information in their e-mails or purchase orders. PayPal does not allow me to use this information to charge their credit cards.

Is there a service that has a low setup cost and effort that I can use to charge customer's credit cards if they send me the info over mail or over the phone?

Credit Cards

asked Apr 23 '11 at 05:08
297 points

3 Answers


You could use square if you have an iPhone or Android phone -- https://squareup.com/pricing (If you enter credit card numbers manually from an email you receive, Square costs 3.5% + 15¢ per transaction)

answered Apr 23 '11 at 05:18
Jeffrey Berthiaume
191 points
  • Thanks, I'll investigate that. First thing I notice is that they only accept _US issued_ credit cards. They also want me to link to a US bank account. Since we're based in Europe, this might not be the right thing for me. – Philippe 14 years ago


PayPal allows you to enter these details manually using their 'virtual terminal', this 'feature' costs an extra £10 per month though. - But given you are using PayPal already, this is certainly the easiest way.

answered Apr 28 '11 at 22:00
Adam Dudley
11 points
  • Won't work for me. The PayPal Virtual Terminal is only available for companies in the United States. Would be great if they did allow European (and other) companies use this, though... – Philippe 14 years ago


With a little help from my friends, I found out that Ogone provides a service like this (Virtual Terminal), also to European customers: http://www.ogone.be/en/solutions/payment_processing/Call%20Center.aspx However, the legal implications in Europe are different from what they are in the US. Basically, if you're not shipping a physical item and you are charging your customer's credit card on a virtual terminal, you as a vendor might get into trouble sooner or later.

answered Apr 28 '11 at 18:39
297 points

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