How do I find an extremely low-cost graphics designer?


I need a flyer designed for a party.

I know about for graphic design, but they have a minimum of $300 award per design, and I'm only looking to spend $50-$100 - it's a simple design.

Any suggestions for sites like crowdspring without a minimum award?


asked Oct 17 '09 at 14:22
46 points

10 Answers


Eh, guys before me have brought this up, but you absolutely get what you pay for. If the occasion calls for a designer in the first place, might it be worth the $300 to get some decent talent on the job?

If it's not worth it or not in your budget, you could use free vector graphics and/or do it yourself. All you need is to download some open source software and read a couple tutorial blogs.


answered Oct 17 '09 at 17:42
Ez Yz
473 points


99designs allowed you to set your own price and you get results quickly.

Note that you usually get what you pay for...

answered Oct 17 '09 at 14:51
16,231 points
  • "You get what you pay for" - how true. I ran two logo contests. The first one produced two ok designs. The second, well that is still oing on and it is a horror-show. Absolute horror-show. – Tim J 15 years ago
  • "You get what you pay for" in my experience only is true when it's quite cheap. Unfortunately, I have paid medium or even high rates and didn't get what I paid for. – Hanno Fietz 15 years ago
  • Yes - I agree - I have also paid big dollars and gotten crap. This is not an easy problem unless you have a working relationship with a good designer already. – Tim J 15 years ago
  • Hmm, who said throwing money guarantees success? "You get what you pay for" is true at the lower end of the scale (pay little, get bad results), not necessarily at the higher end of the scale. – Gabriel Magana 15 years ago
  • Suffice to say it's hard to find good people, ever... – Jason 15 years ago


You really shouldn't. Depending on what your priorities are, do one of the following instead:

  • get a good professional and pay what it takes (I did that with my website)
  • find an enthusiast, student, or hobbyist among the people you know who will do it for free, because they like it and it's not a huge project (I did that with a video presentation).
  • do it yourself (I do that a lot)

If you find volunteers: Don't pay them even if you'd like to, because you want to find someone who really just wants to do it. This also means they'll do it by their own rules and you'll have to accept. (In my case that involved hanging around for hours in the middle of the night watching some friend of a friend of a friend testdriving his brand-new Adobe software and then waiting weeks for him to send me the actual file)

If you're hiring a professional, "good" is - in my experience - quite independent of the price tag, although good professionals are rarely cheap (they are surprisingly often medium-priced) and always worth what they charge you. I went into more detail in this answer.

answered Nov 11 '09 at 00:51
Hanno Fietz
280 points


You can hire a freelancer using sites such as and www.project4hire. You can post your requirements on these sites and various graphics designers will bid on your project. You can view their portfolios, and can select the one that suits your budget.


answered Oct 17 '09 at 14:58
185 points


Call up your local college, or art and design colleges that may not be local. Get the name of one of the 100 level professors and have them forward your request onto the students. Students are cheap, and often the professors know which students have a good talent and work ethic.

Alternately, decide where you're going to flyer, and check out the flyers already going in that distribution channel (bus stops, light poles, etc). Find a few flyers that are decent, contact whoever posted them and ask who they used.

Lastly, Craig's list it or use some other local willing-to-buy listing service.

answered Nov 10 '09 at 10:45
Adam Davis
378 points
  • Be prepared that most professors (at least in my experience) are swamped with that kind of request. You might have to have something that's professionally interesting to them. For example, I once got a free usability testing by a class of software engineering students because the professor was looking for a real product freshly out of a real development phase. – Hanno Fietz 15 years ago


I've used oDesk to outsource graphics design work on a budget. You can see someone's portfolio before hiring. Sometimes it has worked out really well for me, sometimes I get junk. For the price (many designers in poorer countries are charging $5-$10/hr), it's worth trying.

answered Jul 28 '11 at 05:24
Dan B
118 points


I've gotten good results with Design Outpost. Much cheaper than 99designs.

answered Nov 18 '09 at 04:10
Hector Sosa Jr
171 points


For really cheap stuff you can try the Digital Point forums:

answered Oct 17 '09 at 15:34
Nicholas Hebb
101 points


1- Simple is a subjective term. If its really simple then you might not really require expertise of a real graphic designer.
2- You should estimate how long do you expect a real designer to spend time on your flyer and then how much are you willing to pay an hour. In another words I don't think you can get much quality creative with $50-$100.
3- Lastly I recommend you try your local Kinkos branch.

answered Oct 17 '09 at 15:48
Arman Arami
399 points


Try LogoNerds. They worked for me and are in your price range.

answered Nov 19 '09 at 15:07
1,471 points

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