Is there a particular place with, or a particular technique to use for finding different kinds of market data?
For instance, I want to look up what research has been done on internal communications efficiency in corporations (not specific ones), such as, for instance: per person the average # emails received/day, how many hours each person spends on answering email, how much time is wasted in meetings on off-topic talks, etc.
I know that there are companies that can find such data, such as the Empire Research Group. Are there alternatives?
A great source for this kind of information is Also, there is a list of market data sources from computeraidedfinance. This list includes economic and exchange trade data, too.
I personally use which is a search engine for numbers.
I found a lot of existing market studies via zanran.
Your public library and the folks that work there have been a great source of that sort of information for me in the past. It can be a little counter intuitive in this day and age to go to a paper book, but there is good information in the reference section.