I am looking for some sites to submit to. paid or free. Currently on my startup web app site, I have a screencast up there, and an email submit form.
I am quite close to having a finalized product. I've signed up with Cheddargetter but don't have a merchan account yet. I have already finished beta testing and have enough information on what needs to be changed. I have also refactored my code a lot, and it's getting to be a lot more reliable and manageable code than the original messy coding in beta version.
I have the getting real book by 37signals, and trying my best to follow all of it's pointers.
I am considering prweb.com but it sounds too good to be true. How do I get my web app talked about in technorati or some tech blogs?( Should I comment on their posts a few times and then be like, hey man here's my shameless plug can you write about it) I mean right now, I think it's just best to get as many emails as possible that is interested in my upcoming product.
I am trying to refrain from posting in forums. from my past experience, I found forum users were very low quality compared to a paid lead.
Here's a great blog post that appeared just yesterday in "OnStartups" about how to get cheap advertising for your startup.
It's a quick read and appears to be particularly relevant to software startups.
We've used PRWEB numerous times, and I think they do a very good job distributing the press release. Our press releases through them do regularly get picked up and published on various related websites. However, I don't think you should expect a press release to bring you much business. I think they are useful tools in marketing strategies, but I don't think they do much by themselves, or least they never have for me or anyone I know.
Pretty sure the 37 signals guys would advise against a hyped "launch" date. Get your product out there and in the hands of users, then use PR to leverage their positive experiences.
Honestly, no one cares that your product "is launching" until it reaches orbit.