How to generate revenue from a website using visitor counts? Is there a standard way for doing it?


I want to build a web application that would showcase realestate properties of different owners. One way to generate revenue from this is charging for their property posting and for featured posting? Is there any other methods like based on count of visits on their property, count of clicks etc? Is there any standard practice or methodology for doing it?

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asked Mar 18 '13 at 02:10
35 points
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There are several common techniques:

  • CPI - cost per impression - charge for every time somebody sees the listing
  • CPM - cost per mille - same as CPI - charge for every 1000 people who see the listing
  • CPC - cost per click - charge for every time somebody clicks on the listing
  • CPL - cost per lead - charge for every time somebody clicks on the listing and submits contact information
  • CPA - cost per action - charge when somebody actually buys something, e.g., the house

Wikipedia has an article on difference compensation methods for online advertising.

answered Mar 21 '13 at 12:11
Joel Spolsky
13,482 points
  • Thank you joel. – Fayaz 12 years ago
  • Advice: stay away from AdSense. It looks like a good idea, but it's not. – James Adam 12 years ago
  • sure James. Actually I was not looking for Adsense kind of revenue. But kind of what explained above only... – Fayaz 12 years ago

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