Hiring Programmers and Code Storage


I have two freelancers working for me right now and I am using Freelancer.com where you simply send code back and forth by zipping it and using their proprietary messaging system which is clunky.

I would rather use another solution where you can have code related to specific clients and store it permanently online. Like a CRM bred with a good repository. Do you know of any products like this?

CRM Code

asked May 2 '13 at 21:16
200 points
  • Borderline shopping question – Md Moore313 12 years ago

5 Answers


BitBucket gets my recommendation. Unlimited Free private GIT or Mercurial repos as long as 5 or less users are allowed access to any given repo. If you are hiring programmers from the Open Source world GIT is probably the Source Control you'll want to use though BitBucket does not provide free Bug-Tracking tools.

answered May 3 '13 at 00:57
Ntsc Cobalt
131 points


Either TFS online or Bitbucket are good options. Both of them are free to use. I use TFS because it is the best of breed among the free project management options that link to code directly, and because I'm a .NET developer it is the most integrated with my platform.

Alot of it depends on the code base you are programming in though. I prefer to use TFS for .NET projects because then I can have my project management and code base together, and in .NET the programmers can link specific task items to code changes checked in to the central repository.

TFS online now has Git repository capabilities, along with their more centralized proprietary change tracking technology, so it is pretty open.

Bitbucket is Git/Mercurial based, but it is free and open. I haven't enjoyed tracking project completion through them though. It isn't really part of their UX.

answered May 4 '13 at 02:47
Mark Walls
131 points
  • I use Bitbucket with Git, and it works very well - I've heard it has better uptime than GitHub, and most importantly for startups it's free for up to 5 users. – Rich Vel 12 years ago


How about TFS Online? http://tfs.visualstudio.com/ Free for less than 5 users (and for a short time free for even more than 5 users).

answered May 2 '13 at 22:16
James Wood
131 points


A company I used to work for had us use redmine. We never uploaded code through it, however it does integrate with SVN which we did use. If you have them on separate projects you can create separate repo's and limit access to each one.

answered May 2 '13 at 22:46
Md Moore313
290 points


We host our repository at Assembla, which also provides ticketing, forums, email notifications etc.

answered May 3 '13 at 00:21
Jeanne Pindar
131 points

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