Idea Validation ideas


What are some good ways to do low level idea validation before you get into the thick of developing a business concept? In other words, I am trying to find a system to prevent my habit of chasing all these great ideas, spending time, energy and money on so many duds. I know about test landing pages, but i tend to really strive to create beautiful design so that to me is already a step too far

Ideas Validation

asked Apr 4 '12 at 09:52
Amin Brodie
39 points
  • Have you tried looking at older questions? – Dnbrv 13 years ago
  • I have but none seem to list any methods other than adwords, and landing pages. – Amin Brodie 13 years ago
  • Doesn't a validating strategy depend upon the ideas you are trying to validate? eg a landing page is an ideal validating strategy for a SaaS. – Tehnyit 13 years ago
  • Thanks John...reading your comment really highlights the core of my problem. I definitly agree and thanks for the advice. :-) – Amin Brodie 13 years ago
  • Google Test: if there are no competitors for what you want to do, then there's no market to begin with. – Frenchie 12 years ago

5 Answers


The best way to validate ideas BEFORE posting a landing page is to talk to people that would buy your idea. This is really difficult both psychologically and because it means you have to have to find people to talk to... But you will create a much better product because of it. When you talk to people, ask them what their challenges are in the area you are trying to create a product in. You want to be patient and go deep. Another great question is, "If you had a million dollars to make this problem go away, how would you solve it?" See if they tell you your solution; then you know you have a great idea. But if not then you'll have ideas of how to make it better!

answered Feb 5 '13 at 03:25
Ami Howard
11 points


Try to discredit your ideas and consider developing the least discredited one.

  • Be more ruthless than Air-Force when it comes to new candidates and if anything not desirable is found it should be treated as a tip of an iceberg
  • Do not be overly protective about your idea and talk about it to as many people as you can. Public members and your peers. Not understanding your concept or not being enthusiastic about it is a typical ‘iceberg ’ indicator.
  • Make sure you have and are able to communicate your unique selling point. Shouting match is not a very effective marketing method, unless you have loads of money to burn.
  • Lack of serious income streams embedded in the concept
    can kill your application in no time as there will be bills to pay and mouths to feed.
  • Not analyzing idea from a lifestyle perspective can put you in a very uncomfortable situation when site will require lots of attention you never accounted for.
  • Rule of thumb is: Simple is complicated and complicated is too complicated. Try to think “small and simple” as all things and all features have a huge amount of unintended consequences which are not immediately visible.

Even if after taking all the above into consideration your idea is still ‘iceberg-less’ it’s always a good policy to ask an online strategy experts to have a quick look into it.

answered Jul 4 '12 at 19:00


Group your ideas into increasing levels of technical and business savvy. (a 2D chart where the horizontal is increasing tech, vertical is increasing business)

Talking to typical family & friends is a good use of time mostly for those ideas low in technical and business jargon. Anything else, speak to audience with relevant experience.

If you are such an idea factory churning out mostly equally appealing ideas (thus your lack of focus), choose to execute ideas most suitable with your level of expertise. In fact, execute those few notches below your level for faster time to market.

answered May 5 '12 at 01:21
31 points


I know you say "except for landing pages"... but the answer is landing pages.

If you can't control yourself to put a basic landing page up without going too far, I suspect you are in for trouble when you actually try to make a profitable startup.

It is very important to know where to best spend your time, as time is often your most limiting factor. If you can't do it now, it only gets harder later.

Make some landing pages...

answered Apr 4 '12 at 13:14
Joel Friedlaender
5,007 points
  • And use CSS frameworks to reduce the time you're spending. They emphasize functionality over graphic design and that's key for real applications. Google and Facebook home pages are not exactly works of art right? Well ok the google doodles have got cool, but when you've got a billion billion dollars that's ok ;) – Michael Durrant 13 years ago


Pick one of your ideas that you have as many friends, family and contacts that would be willing hear a quick pitch and see a demonstration.

You've recognized you have a problem in spending too much time making your landing page look too beautiful. My recommendation would be to sketch a wireframe of the site. This may help you avoid this temptation.

I think @Joel is right about going with a landing page, but maybe you just need this intermediate step to get you going.

answered Apr 4 '12 at 22:02
Jeff O
6,169 points
  • Also take a look at You can chuck together a launch page in seconds – Tom Squires 13 years ago

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