I'm planning to incorporate in Delaware. But not sure If from the start I have to create an x amount of publications to be recognized in the state as an LLC.
I incorporated an LLC In NYC and it was a must from the start to have an x amount of publications to be recognized as an LLC by the state. It can be very expensive (it can easily be in the thousands).
If possible, I don't want to do any publications this time around. I just want to incorporate smoothly and just worry about my business.
LLC Incorporation Corporate Structure
Delaware does NOT have a publication requirement.
If you read Delaware State law on LLCs, you'll find that there is no publication requirement.
http://delcode.delaware.gov/title6/c018/index.shtml http://delcode.delaware.gov/title6/c018/sc02/index.shtml NY State law has this requirement:
http://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2006/limited-liability-company-law/llc0206_206.html You'll still have to pay annual renewal fees. Make sure to keep track of filing deadlines.