Should I issue a separate invoice for the down payment?


I'm doing a website for a client, and I require them to make a down payment that is a percentage of the bill for the entire project. The remaining portion of the bill is due when the website is complete. This is agreed upon ahead of time in a proposal and contract.

My question is this: I get the down payment money at the beginning, and the rest of the money at the end. Should I issue two separate invoices? Or a single invoice at the end that has the down payment and final payment listed as separate items? What is best practice here?

Billing Invoice

asked May 18 '13 at 05:56
17 points
  • One thing you need to ask first is whether that money is yours to keep regardless of the outcome. If the down payment is a deposit against future labor then you can't record it as income. Could you clarify? – Chris 12 years ago
  • Yep, initial payment cannot be refunded. – Pete 12 years ago

3 Answers


If you expect to get paid at the beginning and end of a project, send two invoices, one at the beginning and one at the end.

answered May 18 '13 at 07:16
139 points


Generally you should have the first invoice have the total amount that the contract is worth in a section on an invoice, and then the amount that is actually due at that time. Then on the second invoice, you would have the total amount, show that a down payment was received (deposit), with the remaining amount. This way the invoices are obviously linked and they accurately display everything for you and your client.

answered May 19 '13 at 20:13
Randy E
632 points


It depends do you need an invoice or does your client need one - check with your accountant. If you don't have one, answer is you don't have to.

answered May 18 '13 at 16:26
594 points

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