How to Manage two companies with diffferent investors?


I work for my father and his partner for one Home Health (company A) in city C which has been running for 5 years now. My father, me and a few other people have setup another Home Health company B in city B. This company B has certification for non-skilled work in city D which company A doesn't have. Company A has the non-skilled certification in City C. Now because I operate both business I would like for them to share resources like Billing and Payroll.

Basically I would like the non-skilled part of company A to go to company B so that we can operate them more effectively. (The non-skilled part of the company doesn't have to follow the strict requirement for being under the skilled part)

So Company A would be skilled only having a branch in city D and company B would be have a branch in City C. What would be the best way to set this up without being unfair on any of the people involved.

Legal Company

asked Jul 15 '11 at 06:25
Faisal Ali
11 points
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  • Your title doesn't match the question.. How does it affect what you're asking that the companies have different investors? – Tomeduarte 13 years ago
  • Do all investors/partners want to remain as such? – Alphadogg 13 years ago
  • I guess my question should have been "How to Manage/ merge two companies with different investors? – Faisal Ali 13 years ago
  • alphadogg - non of the investors what to leave if that is your question. – Faisal Ali 13 years ago
  • Your A, B, C, D's don't add clarity or simplicity to your question like you may have intended. – Joel Friedlaender 13 years ago

1 Answer


The best way is for Company B to purchase Company A. This can be an all-stock transaction where the owners in Company A end up with shares in Company B and no cash trades hands.

You need to figure out the percentages, negotiation should help you here.

Another option is to have Company A outsource billing and payroll to Company B - this option would keep the companies as two separate legal entities.

Should actually be easy to do but you might need a lawyer to help you with the paperwork.

answered Sep 25 '11 at 11:50
1,194 points
  • I would look at the outsourcing route – Susan Jones 13 years ago
  • Actually, operating 1 company is cheaper because you eliminate or reduce administrative overhead. If the ownership overlap between the 2 companies is significant (majority) merging via buyout is the cost-effective route. John, whould company A need to be dissolved or it still can do business as A but becomes a child company of B? – Webbie 12 years ago

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