How does one convince customers to spend more money for the environment?
Following the inconvenient truth, global warming and raising oil prices last year, it seems that developing clean green technology is the thing to do. Finding investors for the field is easy, especially since there are plenty of government incentives to develop more environmentally conscious technologies.
The problems start when the product is ready, and the marketing and sales part begins. Assuming that the technology is more expensive then existing dirty alternatives, how does one convince the customers to spend the extra money on it?
It is difficult enough to convince customers to spend 10% extra on green buildings when one can promise savings in the utilities bills (saving water, gas and electricity), though one can not prove ahead of time what the saving would be, since energy prices change. An even more difficult situation is when the product doesn't even save money in the long run, and the only benefit is less hard to the environment.
Any thoughts or suggestions on how does one market an expensive product that gives unproven, unmeasurable benefits to the customers?
Will you be selling this as a financial benefit, or as something less tangible? If you market it as "save some money on your heating bills", then consumers will want to know how much, when etc. If you market it as "save the planet, feel good about yourself and set an example to others" then the conversation changes.
You may like to consider the following suggestions:
Hope it helps.