Meeting with potential partners: should I make them sign a NDA?


I'm a Web developper and have a dating website idea.

I'll meet in the next few weeks some webmarketers that could be my potential partners.

I'll talk about the idea of course and make them an interactive demo.

Should I make them sign a NDA knowing that the website is technically easy to setup ?

Ideas Partner NDA

asked Jun 1 '12 at 22:52
120 points
  • Only if there is something on your website that had not be invented yet by the other 2000000,0000 dating websites out there :) – User983248 13 years ago

2 Answers


  1. You can't make them sign anything, you can only ask.
  2. They'll likely refuse.
  3. If your concept is so simple to set up, an NDA will be worthless as someone can copy your idea the moment you launch.
  4. Almost nobody has the time to steal an execute your idea.
  5. Nobody can steal your vision and ability to execute.

Stop worrying and starting building. But only after you've talked to your customers to ensure you're building something they want and will use.

answered Jun 2 '12 at 00:44
Nick Stevens
4,436 points


Only if there is something on your website that had not be invented yet by the other 2000000,0000 dating websites out there :)

answered Jun 2 '12 at 00:44
489 points

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Ideas Partner NDA