What methodology do you use to control business cofounders?


Here is a story behind:

We had our small startup found (me and my friend are so called technical guys) by one of the major VC. They gave us so called parental advisory, one of the managers form the VC firm, to help us with paper works etc.

We use some scrum-based methodology, to control the work flow. There two of us working on a code, so it was no so crucial before for us to create the procedures. Now there is way more paper work for me to fill in.

The guy usually works from VC office. We are in our office working on our product. So it's impossible for us to control what is he doing. Not to mention he is quite expensive heh.

Long story short, I need some kind of a control over his work. My proposal was that he will use the same system we do, but he is saying that it should be keep purely for software development.

Work Life Business Process Methodology

asked Aug 3 '11 at 19:16
13 points

1 Answer


You have no control of him or his work. He does not work for you. He works for the VC.

Your best bet will be to work with him. And that will be hard to do. Any attempt to create transparency or accountability of his activities may be experienced as trying to control him. Which will likely result in resistance or backlash.

You need to build trust with your new team member. And you need to build team accountability.

Without knowing everything that you have done or are doing here are some ideas:

  1. Let him keep his own system.
  2. Create a weekly "all-hands" check-in. Each person report out. keep good notes of what he said he would be doing, and then make a point of following up the following week.
  3. Send out "notes" of the 'all-hands" check-in which is a summary list of who said what they would do.
  4. After a couple weeks add a mid-week reminder email of the things that people said they would have done. Show the items that have been reported completed as cross out.
  5. Watch what system he seems to be using for his own project/task management and consider adoption of it for non-software related tasks/projects.

And if none of this works:
1. Document the resulting problems clearly
2. Ask him. In the context of "we are a team working together, these problems have happened, I think it is because we don't have a common task/project management system, would you agree? And if so-- what do you recommend we do to resolve this?

answered Aug 4 '11 at 02:02
Joseph Barisonzi
12,141 points
  • Well makes sence. Building a trust is a such a though job thou :(, thanks. Will try to learn this approach. – Patrick 13 years ago

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