Name has strange meaning in another language


I came across a somewhat catchy 6 letter name that had a domain still available. I snapped it up but then found out that splitting the name has a meaning in another language that, while not bad, is considered slang/baby-talk.

The other meaning comes up in google searches.

Initially I am planning to use the name to create an LLC for a couple consulting side projects. Eventually I might do something product-wise. My primary language is English and my target audience would most likely speak English as a first language.

The name is Tekelo and, according to search results, is baby-talk in Spanish for 'I love you'.

I am wondering if anyone has thoughts or experience with taking a name that has an actual meaning in another language that is not necessarily aligned with what the company or product does.


asked Oct 21 '11 at 23:49
Jesse Vogt
118 points
  • Would be helpful to know the name, the other language, and what it means in that other language. – Kekito 13 years ago
  • Any thoughts ? - on what exactly ? – Kellogs 13 years ago
  • This is like worrying about the [Chevy Nova]( issue that was never an issue at all. – Thedaian 13 years ago

3 Answers


I wouldn't worry about it. I think hardly anyone will make the connection.

If anyone does, well, how much cuter can it get than a baby saying "I love you". People like cute so any connection like that would probably help rather than hurt (unless your doing something like a web app for mixed martial arts, but even then who knows).

answered Oct 22 '11 at 03:23
1,936 points


Agree with Jeff's comment. My company name does not have multiple meanings but, semantically, can evoke different concepts. It so happens that all these concepts kind of fit with the vision, but even if they did not, we would not care as long as the name is good and can be remembered easily. Tekelo is much easier to remember if you think it like baby talk for "te quero"!

I say go for it.

answered Oct 22 '11 at 03:29
829 points


I say go for it as well. I speak another language too and I've seen some really cringe-worthy names when voiced by an english speaker. The name seems catchy, and even if someone makes that association, it's not bad at all. It could actually work in your favor, provided your product doesn't offend or annoy.

answered Oct 22 '11 at 04:06
840 points

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