One page or multi page site / app


I am wondering whether to have a one page site design that is en vogue at the moment or a more traditional layout.On a long one-page design it seems that I can work the user through the AIDA principles down the page and hope to secure a booking at the end of the page. On a multiple page design, the user would have to select the booking page to navigate to it. What are the pros and cons of one page versus multipage sites?


asked Apr 10 '13 at 23:57
Andrew Welch
167 points

1 Answer


This will sound like a compromise, but it doesn't have to be: Use both.

If your main goal is for users to book your service, and you have the correct content and architecture to keep a user's attention in a vertical layout, I believe the success rate can be quite good (Betterment's Long Page Scrolling Designs That Work is a nice article on this subject).

But this doesn't mean you can't have internal pages that do the same. More pages can mean more landing pages too, and a menu to link to them isn't really invasive.

In short, pros of multiple pages: More keywords, more landing pages. Cons: Possible oceans of content, extra steps to your goal (booking). If done right (and if you project justifies it! This is important, not every site has the same requirements - I'[m assuming you've done your research and decided your product could work nicely with a scrolling site), a long scrolling site can beat one with multiple short pages.

answered Apr 11 '13 at 07:49
248 points
  • excellent answer. Thanks. – Andrew Welch 12 years ago

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