We would like to ask for help in reviewing our plan. Not for viability of the business model but rather for clarity in explaining the plan. Does this function exist on this site? If not does anyone know of a good resource they can share? Thank you
I tend to disagree with Noah. I don't think this is the right site to get feedback on your business plan.
If you'd like your business plan reviewed, here are a few suggestions:
Side note: I took a look at your website, and I found it hard to figure out what it is that your business does. It's not clearly stated on the homepage, and my first thought was that it had something to do with the stock market :-) But then after seeing the term OEM, I realized it wasn't stock related.
Good luck!
I am a lecturer in Entrepreneurship at University level and have won national and international business plan competitions for plans I have written. I would be happy to review your plan. Take a look at my website if you want some more info. My email is on the about page
I'm sure you could post your plan here and get some feedback. You could upload the plan to scribd or docstoc and then share the link.
If you use Business Plan Pro, you can submit your plan for a free review from a business plan consultant (disclaimer: I work for Palo Alto Software, makers of Business Plan Pro).
Other options are
1) Connect with local entrepreneurs and see if you can find a mentor
2) Startuptodo.com
If you want feedback, may I suggest taking an indirect route by asking an Enterprise Architect that has interest in your product idea? They are used to reviewing lots of ideas on a weekly basis. You can find several who will help on LinkedIn
I have never seen a public review of a serious business plan.
In my opinion business plans are overrated, and those that spend too much time writing a plan take away time from actually building their business.
A plan is a good tool for raising funding. That is it.
Most VC and Angels i have met do not actually read these plans, and when they do, they always look for negatives.
I think you are better having a general map for your business,
a general product roadmap, a general market report, and a general marketing plan.
General because all of this will and should change.
Agility is very important.
If you want to get feedback on a venture, ask people who are already successful to share 30 mins disucssing your idea. Its better in a conversation.