Are there any Open Source Digital Signature Solutions that would Comply with Various US Regulations?


We are interested in using digital signature in our extremely paper intensive world. However, we need the signatures to be valid digital signatures. Are there open source solutions available that can handle this?

Does anyone know about the legality (United States) of fixing a signature on a document by using a digital signature pad. The other option is to do a "digital signature" where the user goes through a process of verification online or with voice. I know that there are solutions out there that do this such as DocuSign. It has been suggested that a solution like this is highly preferable.

However, I worry that some might consider the costs of these platforms as cost prohibitive if they charge on a per transaction basis and a company has many transactions.

Are there any viable alternatives available? Does anyone have advice about how to achieve the goal of valid/legal digital signatures?

Software Technology Legal

asked Mar 25 '11 at 07:03
468 points
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4 Answers


The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (“E-Signature Act”) became effective in the US on October 1, 2000. Since then, online electronic signatures on commercial transactions and most other agreements have a legal status equivalent to a written signature.
US state law modeled on the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) also provides a legal framework for electronic transactions. It gives esignatures and records the same validity and enforceability as manual signatures and paper-based transactions. This UETA was adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) in 1999.

answered Apr 26 '12 at 11:26
Tom Mock
11 points


There is, to my limited knowledge, no consensus on this issue. Each state has its own law and precedent on these issues, and some may not have enough precedent to be sure you are in bounds.

Get a lawyer, and expect to have to jump through some hoops if you will be dealing with several different states.

answered May 1 '11 at 16:36
Hedge Mage
1,438 points
  • Yep, it's especially rough when you work in all 50 states. Thanks. – Scott 14 years ago


check out There you can sign your documents with your own qualified certificate. You need to check what kind of certificate your country supports by law and just by those from adequate vendors.

Once you get your certificate (for example, you can have it on some smart card or usb drive), you can install nn your windows OS and from OrganizedDocs (and many other systems as well) you can digitally sign documents.

I can show you how we set it up here in Serbia and you can figure it out for your own country.

answered May 8 '11 at 23:27
594 points
  • Wouldn't you need them to have their own certificate? How do you verify that it is them and not someone else? – Scott 14 years ago


I always use adobe pdf when I make a contract with anyone. There is an option to do digital sign and seal that signature.

answered May 7 '11 at 03:19
Andy Carlson
28 points

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