How to overcome being an introvert as a new startup founder?


I am an engineer turned founder who is having a tough time coming out of my introverted shell. It's a barrier that I'm trying to overcome in order to finally hire my first employee and possibly approach angel investors.

How do you overcome your fears of managing people and communicating with confidence in general?

Personality Founders Startups

asked May 20 '15 at 15:42
Morgan Skeen
11 points
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1 Answer


Start small. If hiring a first employee is on your upcoming list, start with a contractor. You're bound to hire and fire (multiple) someone(s). It can often take 3 or 4 bad or so-so people before finding a truly dedicated employee. By hiring contractors first you avoid forcing yourself into an even more awkward scenario of letting people go. You're new. They're new. It's going to happen.

For coming out of your shell, go to networking events. Or, even just go to a bar or social setting. Force yourself to introduce yourself. This environment provides you with a comparable sense of nervousness but with zero impact of the results of a nervous encounter. It will help you get over most of the nervousness in just a few nights out.

answered May 21 '15 at 12:20
Damon @
211 points

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