What's the fastest way to get your focus back when you are stressed out from work? Preferably something that doesn't require more than 30 minutes.
We're bootstrapping our startup so I've have been working in overdrive for the last few weeks.
First, you need to understand what stress is and isn't. Often confused with pressure, stress isn't something imposed on you, and it's not something you can get rid of in less than 30 minutes.
Stress is something you impose on yourself, internally, as a reaction to what's going on in the world outside your head (example: pressure).
So if you want to remove stress, you need to work on your mental state, as well as removing the external factors which trigger it.
Of course, one of the things that you can do, in 30 minutes, is remove yourself from your current situation, and relax.
Three quick and easy things that almost anyone can do in 30 minutes:
Do yoga if you need to be calm.
Take a walk if you need to empty your head.
Take a bicycle ride if you need to move some energy.
But if you want to remove stress, you need to change the way you live your life, inside as well as outside your head.
edit: spelling
Adopt a dog, if you don't have one already.
Apart from lightening the mood while you work, you'll be forced to go for short walks several times a day. I've yet to see a better way to remove stress.
It's a big responsibility, but one that has a big positive impact on your life.