I find http://thisweekinstartups.com/ pretty interesting to follow, lots of real life stories and insight.
You meant Founders At Work: http://www.foundersatwork.com/?
I don't keep a collection of stories. Everyone's situation is unique. I like to read their stories, get key lessons and have a historical knowledge about the industry.
The most recent one is from Aaron of Mint.com. He has something interesting to say. Watch: http://vator.tv/news/show/2009-10-07-aaron-patzer-lays-bare-mints-numbers
Peldi has a great blog if you are interested in bootstrapping - http://www.balsamiq.com/blog Start from the beginning and see his progression from working on the side, leaving work, hitting $10,000 revenue, hitting $100,000, hiring his first employee. He actually mentions Founders At Work in one of his first posts.