I have acquired work in the IT industry for, let's say, $100 an hour. I have a friend who is looking for work that I believe I can subcontract to.
I have a company and infrastructure and did the work to secure the contract which is obviously worth something. At the same time, I won't be providing health, an office, or any other benefits. Assume we have similar skillsets.
I realize this is subjective, but what are reasonable rates to subcontract to him? I guess the fact that we are friends is haunting my conscience, but that really shouldn't factor in, right?
The contract recruiters I have worked through (i.e they have the job and client connection and they sub contract work out to me) charge between 10% and 20%. For that they turn my invoices around in less than 14 days (I work a month, invoice at month end and receive money in my account in less than 14 days).
So to offer the same type of service to your friend is worth between 10-20% without any guilt on your part.
10-20% seems reasonable. Don't forget to cover yourself with appropriate insurance, depending upon the circumstances.