I am a social network co-founder who recently relocated to NYC area. Apart from focusing on the social network start up, I am trying to take some courses at columbia or NYU. The issue is this -
I am not a developer, and we have a development team working on the core deliverables. If I want to take part time courses that can help me in my venture, what direction should I go? I am an MBA but we all know MBA is not really a skill. Is there any recommendation on what type of classes I should take?
I thought I take user design classes, but then thought wouldnt that be for the designer to take? I thought entrepreneur classes but I dont see a need as I have read many books on that. Any suggestions? Is there any class that exposes individuals to VCs may be?
Marketing Entrepreneurs Design
You are probably not to interested to attend to some computer engineering classes, even if you should.
Having a start up will be a lot of work and learning by doing anyways. Pick a topic that you only learn at university but might come handy in your job.
What's your position anyways? That might help.
I'd attend to some human computer interaction classes because I thinks its understandable for everyone plus very important if its anything technical.
Besides, it's important to understand your costumer. That's the most important thing of all.
You should attend to some psychology classes. You don't need a degree to learn the important facts about customer behavior and so on.
Steve Jobs attended typography classes as a drop in, just as a hint ;)