Any recommendations on website registrars? I've used NameZero and in the past but my domains are just parked. Going to be looking for another domain name soon and wondered if there are better choices.
Clarification regarding "better choices" -- I was primarily thinking about price - example is full retail - and TLD coverage which seems to vary but also thinking about features, etc. Thanks.
I like to separate this into two -- domain registrars and DNS hosts. Most commercial vendors offer a mix of both, but I like to keep the feature sets separated while thinking about the features.
For registrars, the things I look for are:
I have been using for the past 10 years and have not had a single problem. I only use them as a registrar, I have not tried any of their other services such as hosting, email, etc...
You have to define "better choices". Can suggest Moniker I use only them. They have quite good system for registration and renewal.