I have been lately trying to find different products to create to make money. I have been trying to find out what regulations are there on small appliances for the kitchen (coffee makers and blenders, more specifically). I know there are regulations for making actual food, but what about products? Can I just slap a disclaimer that we are not liable for any sickness, etc? I'm going to try to keep my product clean, but that isn't always possible. Also, with electrical components (that will obviously be sealed for water), how can I ensure that they are lead free? Should I contact the seller? To keep it affordable, I need to buy from China, and I don't know if I can hold the seller liable if a consumer would sue me. Disclaimer again?!?! Also, what electrical standards do I need to comply with? I don't have to worry as much about water (because of GFIs) as I do general appliances. I will only be dealing with low DC voltages and it will be powered by an adapter.
I will not be selling anywhere other than the US. I have a feeling that it will be a disclaimer as a solution, but I wanted to see if I was missing anything. I would see an attorney, but I just wanted to know if this isn't the right solution. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
In the United States, all 50 states have enacted some version of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code). You can not disclaim all liability, warranties, etc. By the act of selling an item.
"Implied Warranties
Some warranties are "implied" by law. An implied warranty is a promise that the good will have characteristics or uses that the maker, distributor, or seller do not expressly state. An implied warranty assumes that the product is fit, safe and will perform the function for which it was purchased. For example, if you rely on a seller's skill or judgment to select a suitable product and the seller knows your purpose for buying the product, then there is an implied warranty that the product sold will suit the intended purpose."
Disclaimers aren't foolproof. You can put whatever you want into them, but they aren't necessarily legally enforceable.
Normally my thought would be to steer you towards an attorney who could advise you on consumer products liabilty: risks and issues; but I am sensing a disturbing disregard for your consumers' safety which has me thinking you should see the religious leader of your choice instead...