search crunchbase for companies which received over 1MM in funding?


I would like to get an insight into which are the most important startups at the moment. can I get a list of all crunchbase companies which received over a specific ammount in funding. I now crunchbase has an AI, and think there must be some client out there that allows me to do such filtering


asked Mar 31 '12 at 23:06
147 points

1 Answer


I hope you realise that angels and VCs are mere humans and are subject to fads. You can think of technology coming in "waves", the PC in 80s, internet 90s, and social web last decade. The classic example I can think of was one of the early proponents of arcade video games ... realising that with the power of Moore's Law, sophisticated graphics from space invaders up could be crafted economically. There are people who've pushed the techno-economics ... George Gilder comes to mind. So if you want to cheery pick "successful" future companies, (perhaps a fast follower strategy?) then you need to apply some critical thinking as to what are coming.

There are some no-brainers ... if you consider the ratio of CPU chips to humans, you started out with hundreds of mathematicians around the Enigma, to big iron days of Big Blue, to the 1:1 personal computer and now multiple mobile devices. So the "obvious" trend is more chips to whips (people control). Hardcore engineering companies create value by solving the complex problems, whether cache-coherent multi-core, big data, or multimodal real-time augmented reality.

If you can predict the technology waves in advance, then you start paddling like crazy now to catch & surf the peak when investors feel like they want in on the hot button du jour. After all Linksys rode on the wave of IETF protocols ... they just made it simple enough for the non-techies to buy and plug in.

answered May 4 '13 at 15:29
501 points

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