Are there any seed funding businesses available in Minnesota, U.S.A?


I have been very much interested in starting up a tech business in Minnesota, however relocating to, say, California really isn't an option at this point in my life. Are there any companies in Minnesota that I could get a hold of to discuss this tech startup?

Technology Seed Funding

asked Aug 1 '11 at 14:38
210 points
  • This is a very localized question for our board. As a Minnesota resident I can tell you that there are lots of great networking resources with just a little Google searching. Check out the Minnesota High Tech Association ( And don't forget my adage: In CA a start-up is two guys in a garage, in Minnesota a start-up is a spin-off from 3M – Joseph Barisonzi 13 years ago

2 Answers


The Minnesota Angel Investor Network is a good place to start. There are other investor groups who are geographically flexible. Google is your friend.

answered Aug 1 '11 at 20:01
Jim Blizard
324 points


From :

Despite the recently reported near-death of the Minnesota Angel
community (as seen in the local Twin Cities newspapers) I am here to
report that angel investors are alive and well in our state. They are
just a little more cautious...

Also check out Minnesota's first Tech Accelerator :
answered Sep 7 '11 at 09:06
210 points

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