So we have our idea, the site map pretty much laid out and designed, and now we are ready to start looking for a development team. Right now we have three founders and we are looking for one more...our head hacker. My question is this; should we have our business and corporation set up before we find our developer, or should we wait until we find the right person and then set up our business? Also, Im assuming that we should be incorporated before looking for an Angel investor, but are there any reasons to wait and seek funding first?
Thank you very much for your help!
Co-Founder Incorporation Business
Forget about the order.
As a startup work on all of them at once. Especially if you have 3 people available.
If you have to pick I would:
1) Get the business set up. There are no big challenges here. You get a lawyer, consulting help as needed and file the papers.
2) Seek funding. It you can get funding based on your idea now then do it, you'll want to have that in place (ideally) before you...
3) Hire developers to implement your idea. Forget about sites like Wordpress and the like as a model. Professional Web Development take a lot of time, people and money for very good reasons as I've learned over decades. There's at least 10 core skills needed and it usually takes 2-3 people to cover them. 10 areas I can name immediately would be: web servers, application servers, database(s), program code, browsers, design, testing, backups, security, data exchange.