Where to set up a very small company where my name will be hidden


I need to set up a company to do some development for couple of companies. Less than 100k of revenue per year. But the problem is that my personal name should be hidden for some very personal reasons. I am looking for some options outside my country. Does anybody have any idea about any option that doesn't require a lot of money for company formation, good tax conditions and where I can hide my name? Thank you.

Offshore Setup

asked May 2 '13 at 04:52
E White
6 points

3 Answers


Generally, it sounds like you're looking to hide your assets, which most countries frown upon. What you're looking for is "tax haven ", and most countries of the Western world are very aggressive against their citizens using those.

If this is not the reason - then you can incorporate in the US State of Delaware. While tax-wise your company (and you, for the money derived from it) will be subject to the US (rather aggressive) tax code, the State of Delaware doesn't require any information about the companies' owners or shareholders (to the best of my knowledge, verify this) which gives you a reasonable level of privacy. You will of course have to tell Uncle Sam, but not any other of your uncles.

If you're a US citizen and resident of another state, this won't work for you as you'll have to be registered in your own state as well.

answered May 2 '13 at 07:55
5,090 points
  • It is not about hiding assets but only for the privacy reason due some private reasons. I am not US citizen. – E White 12 years ago
  • US Resident, rather, not necessarily a citizen – Littleadv 12 years ago
  • you can pay a Commercial Registered Agent (for Delaware) ~$50-$100/year. @littleadv is correct, that you'll probably have to register the Delaware LLC as a _foreign LLC_ in the state you live (which may or may not require your personal info). – Jberger 11 years ago


If you want to do this, maybe search Google for "anonymous company formation" and check out the links.

I did hear about certain investment banks using anonymous corporations in the BVIs to funnel "not quite clean" money around, but that was some time ago and I'm not sure if that would still work.

answered May 3 '13 at 02:13
Steve Jones
3,239 points


This is not legal advice . . . Get a lawyer for help. For domestic US entities, the simplest way for a person to create an entity without having their name in the public record is to hire a lawyer. Tell your lawyer what you want to do.

One thing that a lawyer COULD suggest would be that He/she/the lawyer would file the incorporation paper work in the state of incorporation, putting his/her/the lawyer's name as the sponsor/promoter/filer of the entity (term depends on the entity type). The Lawyer could then transfer the shares/interest in the entity to anyone in an exchange for small amt of consideration (as the entity is empty). Thus, any current public record would simply contain the lawyers name as the filer, who, hopefully, would not disclose who he/she transferred the entity too.

Clearly, the entity would still need to pay taxes, etc - yet tax returns are not public record.

Dont know what you have in mind for taxes...?

answered May 3 '13 at 09:52
49 points
  • This is obviously wrong on many levels, and is an opening for fraud and embezzlement by dishonest lawyers. Never have anyone be your "front man". You never know when you end up being a proud owner of a worthless piece of paper, while someone else walks away with your company. – Littleadv 11 years ago

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