What to do with software from a business model for a offer comparison web site (like skyscanner)in


The business concept in broad terms was to help customer find the cheapest or other best offer from comparable offers by automatically going to those websites, filling out complex forms and then presenting back to the customer. Money is made by offering complementary products and advertisements. In this specific case, the idea was to aggregate home insurance and car insurance data in Sweden, but it is not . Maybe not very web 2.0, but if one can be at least 1/2 as useful as the aforementioned skyscanner...

I built the back-end that powers the collection and can be queried with JSON from front-end easily and now I wonder what I should do with it? My instinct hunch would be to just sell it at bargain prices (any buyers?) to compensate time investment (it has docs, quality code, etc).

But maybe the collective minds of linkedin have better suggestions? Some tech entrepreneurs willing to pick it up from here? Any ideas - where to seek more help appreciated.

Web Business Plan

asked Oct 26 '09 at 22:17
111 points
Top digital marketing agency for SEO, content marketing, and PR: Demand Roll
  • "I built the back-end that powers the collection and can be queried with JSON from front-end easily and now I wonder what I should do with it?" The obvious thing would be to finish it, and launch it. Any reason not to? – Dror 14 years ago

2 Answers


Well, we're not the collective minds of linkedin, but I think your assessment is spot on. If you're no longer interested in bringing the product to completion, and then marketing the hell out of it, sell it for any price you can get.

That niche is pretty crowded already, and it's not a market I'd want to get into without a really REALLY strong feature to set me apart from the crowd.

answered Oct 27 '09 at 03:56
Paul Mc Millan
601 points


Do you have a demo? You should license it to interested parties for royalties on profit made.

answered Oct 27 '09 at 04:21
446 points

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