To avoid the hostile taxation and business code in the U.S. I was thinking of possibly starting a non-US based company (I did a little research a while back on some good places but forgot now). I'll move to the location if necessary as to avoid having to pay U.S. taxes (and hell, renounce my citizenship if they force me).
The company will manufacture products and then ship worldwide. The point of moving it outside the US is to avoid having to pay too much in taxes(more than about 20%) and avoid all the legal crap that is going on.
Do I still have to pay taxes on income just because I live here? Or is that where the 6 months rule comes in? Couldn't I just live with a GF or something and not leave any trace? How would the feds know? They shouldn't even know how much I'm making outside the US anyways?
Not sure if your going to win any friends here with that statement. The US is one of the least taxed of the "first world" countries.
Australia is typically much higher @ 30+% and if you head to Europe, most of the Scandiavian countries and Germany have between 30 and 60% taxes.
The answer is : if you stay in the US with a US company, you are subject to US laws. If you renouce your citizenship your no longer subject to the laws ... that said Amazon is loving the tax situation at the moment because the law hasn't caught up with online sales properly so you could research their model to see how you could optimise your situation.
Really though, I look forward to having a tax problem as it shows I'm going well in the business and if I plan pricing and cashflow knowing full well the taxes need to be included from the start, then they have little impact on the end result.
We automatically seperate taxes into a seperate high interest bank account as payments come in or go out. We earn interest off the money in this account and always have the payments ready when the due date falls.