Once I've solidified what we're offering, where and what are some cheap/free ways to get students involved. I need really creative ideas here. Craigslist doesn't cut it as a good answer. In my city, participation on that site is basically reserved to job hunters. Posting on campus sounds like a good idea, but that could get sticky since I'm promoting my learning opportunity on a university campus. Then again, is that so taboo? Anyways, I need some major help on this one. A list of great marketing ideas that are possible to execute for around $100-$150 or of course less.
You're going to have to get in with the local high schools. Get to know the counselors and anyone who teaches business, careers or a school club program like Junior Achievement. Offer to speak to a class or set up a table as a college recruiter (That's what your competition is doing.).
Picking a college is a tough decision. Serious candidates are going to require a lot of personal interaction. You're at a disadvantage during this startup process, so be prepared to offer a more personal touch.