I just moved into a subleased office space in Southern California and am required to carry general liability of at least $1M for our startup. This didn't seem like a big deal, but when I called my home insurance provider, AAA, they said there is a $500 policy minimum so even though the policy should only be about $50/yr, they pad it with $450 to make it hit the $500 minimum. They were also confused about what bucket to put an internet startup into, so I figured maybe they're just behind the times and I'd go somewhere else. However, I'm getting the same thing from Farmers, State Farm and the rest. It just seems like we're too small a fish for them to care. I guess I could throw in other coverages to hit the $500, but in principle, I'd rather deal with a company that's flexible and understands startups.
Does anyone have any good recommendations so I can just get this policy taken care of now for a reasonable price?
Insurance Office Office Space Lease Leasing
Try and locate a travelers agent. They have an excellent technology product that includes general liability and professional liability. General liability is important, but professional is often overlooked (unless it is a contract requirement) when it is probably a greater exposure.
I just got one for $425 for a small space 164 SQ.F I'm not sure this is a reasonable rate because it's my first time. But it's the lower rate that I can find.