Toll-free or local phone number?


I'm getting a phone for my new business and I'm debating to either get a 888 number or a local one.

My main concern is high phone bills on a 888 number, when I will get support and other calls.

At the other side of the coin, with a 888 number the company looks national, while a local number puts a pin on the map in the user's mind.

What's your experience on this?


asked May 2 '10 at 00:30
Stefanos Tses
981 points

3 Answers


Toll free is crazy cheap these days. If you are using a landline look at pioneer If you want something more flexible maybe would serve you. I definitely would not let cost concerns hold you back.

Keep in mind if you expect international callers you will also want to publish a 'local' number as reaching toll free prefixes is difficult from most places outside the US and Canada.

If you find yourself spending a lot on support calls that will be a strong signal to you...

answered May 3 '10 at 00:13
236 points


My experience is that a toll free number is still used and much appreciated by customers. See my prior answer about toll free numbers here and the related comments that it sparked.

AT&T just recently offered to add our toll free number to our unlimited long distance outbound coverage for a flat $12 per month. I think this kind of pricing makes it a no brainer.

answered May 6 '10 at 05:41
Keith De Long
5,091 points
  • Thanks Keith.. I currently have RingCentral and 300 minutes a month free. That will be enough in the beginning I guess. – Stefanos Tses 15 years ago


Though most folks can call from their cell and not get charged long distance, many large organization still restrict LD calling. So you really don't have a choice, if any of your customers work for such organizations.

That all said, as your volume goes up, you will be able to get a better rate. I recall paying under 1cent per minute at one of my companies, but we also had 10K+ minutes worth of incoming calls.

answered May 2 '10 at 03:22
Apollo Sinkevicius
3,323 points

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