Using my kids as models


I've recently started a photography business, not because I can take pictures with my phone and instagram, a legitimate business. How will the tax man feel about me employing and paying my small children as models to boost my portfolio?


asked Apr 26 '13 at 03:26
Dave Swan
6 points
  • I would worry more about the social services. Child labor is outlawed in most places. Tax-wise you should probably ask about some specific taxman, like a US taxman, or British taxman, or whatever taxman that you're worried about. – Littleadv 12 years ago
  • You don't specify which taxman. If you go down this route, you'd want to 100% comply with all appropriate labour laws. This would include payscale, associated tax, any child-related conidtions (max hours per day, etc). Clearly, you can employ models so you'd want to make it look like you are employing a model who happens to be your child. IMHO, you want to make yourself audit-proof. – Dave 12 years ago
  • Note that your child's earned income can be used to fund a Roth IRA - hey, if you're going to be paying them you might as well put that money to good use. Imagine the compounded interest over many decades... – Benny Hill 11 years ago

1 Answer


As long as they are just doing hours here and there I don't think labor laws are really going to come in to play. There are obviously child actors/models.

It seems perfectly reasonable to pay them something 'reasonable' for being a model for your marketing photos. As long as you are paying taxes on your earnings and the taxes are filed appropriately for your children it should be fine.

But, really ... how much modeling will they be doing? Just up their allowance ;)

  • not a lawyer / accountant
answered Apr 26 '13 at 13:56
Ryan Doom
5,472 points
  • Exactly, family owned business, part of doing the chores. – Md Moore313 12 years ago

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