I would like to know roughly how the payments are done if the company was started by two developers and me, owner.
Let's say, I give them 10 % each, thats 20 % of the company's profit product. How should the calculations should be done? For example, a company makes a revenue 10.000 USD in one month and has no expenses. 2.000 USD goes for developers (1000 USD each).
What about when expenses starts up? Fuel, telephone bills.. etc. So if we make revenue 10.000 USD in another month and expenses are - 2.000 USD, then and we have 8.000 USD. Then 8.000 USD - 20% (developers 1.600 USD) = 6.400 USD total, and 1.600 USD (8.000 USD - 6.400 USD) goes for developers. That is 800 USD each developer.
My main question is how to calculate compensation in fair way, for me and for them? Because as more expenses I can make, the lower I pay them.
Finance Business Model Business Accounting
Maybe you could offer them the following: I pay you 10% of monthly revenue or 20% of monthly net income, whichever is greater. This way you don't hurt yourself and you provide fair remuneration to programmers. Both you and programmers will be interested in the best cash flow for your company then.
Because as more expenses I can make, the lower I pay them.Give them shares in the business. Point is that cost structure changes are matter of company management and you will never be able to see a way that can not be gamed.