How a "want"repreneur network with entrepreneurs?


The fundamental problem that most "want"repreneurs like me face is switching from the non-creative, boring, non-entrepreneurial world of 9-5 job to the world of enthusiasm and creativity, filled with people who believe in solving problems,thinking big and thinking different! Creativity and entrepreneurial zeal around the folks you spend your time with fuels your own entrepreneurial enthusiasm - both positively and negatively! I think getting into the group of like minded people is very important and perhaps the first and foremost thing to do for any wanna-be entrepreneur. But the question that's lurking me is HOW? How wanna-be entrepreneurs like me should network with the entrepreneurs? Get them talking to you, get them like you?


@ZulyGonzalez , thanks for bringing this up. You're correct, but there are limitations to the meet-ups/events:

  1. Depends on the geographical location. Some places like San Francisco may have it every weekend, but not other location.(Btw,I'm in Los Angeles-any LA specific advice is welcomed!)
  2. In such a meet,because you aren't an entrepreneur yet (& haven't built anything to say hey I've built this) it's pretty difficult to engage them in you. You can meet them and have a conversation, but here I'm asking about Networking - that goes beyond a one time talk.
    Again, Meet-ups is just one of the ways.

Networking Entrepreneurs

asked May 10 '12 at 06:34
Saurabh Patil
16 points
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  • I'm sorry, but I'm confused. I don't understand the question. What's wrong with simply attending entrepreneurial meetup events and starting a conversation with the folks there? There must be more to your question, but I'm missing it. Can you clarify? – Zuly Gonzalez 13 years ago
  • @ZulyGonzalez: As many would have this question, I've clarified it in the question itself. Thanks. – Saurabh Patil 13 years ago

2 Answers


I'm not sure what your goal is:

  1. Have entrepreneurs be willing to let you hang around them so you can feel good about yourself?
  2. Become an entrepreneur.

I think the path to each is completely different and you may need to look at things a little differently.

By being so focussed on being "likeable", its not much different than tricking a girl into liking you until she puts two and two together. It won't last. It's not genuine. And you won't feel good about yourself because you tried to fake it till you make it.

If you want to be around entrepreneurs to become, and be an entrepreneur, you're going to have to suck it up and dive in. What do I mean?

Entrepreneurship is like swimming. Wantrepreneurs can study, read, discuss, watch videos, imagine, draft up amazing plans about how to swim, but at the end of the day, the only way you learn to swim (and stay afloat) is by getting in the water.

Wantrepreneurs can confuse activity with results, and analysis paralysis with progress.

Entrepreneurs respect other entrepreneurs trying to find and take their next step. If yours is "I hope I can make them like me and let me hang around them", it doesn't make you an entrepreneur by association.

Entrepreneurship is action, not talk, or just networking. If you learn to arm yourself with better questions to ask yourself, and others, you'll have far better results.

  1. Networking implies being able to exchange value with someone. What do you have of value to give an entrepreneur? Do you provide meaningful feedback to their blog posts, or requests for feedback in betas? Or is it all about you and what you get?
  2. Networking is about giving. Most people don't get this. They confuse networking to be some kind of competition to see who can speak about themselves the most. You'll get better at networking the more laid back, generous, thoughtful, insightful, and helpful you can be.
  3. To be taken seriously, start taking some real steps towards becoming an entrepreneur. Find an idea, try to validate it via the lean methodology and ask for input from entrepreneurs on whether you're seeing it right. Once you've validated a customer need, move onto finding the product-market fit, and so on. Keep focused on finding, and then doing your next step. That's all an entrepreneur does. Wantrepreneurs want a perfect blueprint laid out for them to magically prance over like the movies. That's not reality.
  4. Find your genuine voice and be authentic. You'll find not only people like you, but people who appreciate being their own authentic selves, and appreciate you doing that.

Hope that sheds some insight.

Create, create, create.


answered May 11 '12 at 01:30
Jas Panesar
244 points


I don't really see any problem here.

Just go ahead and start talking to them. Most of them are there to talk about their projects anyway ;)

answered May 11 '12 at 02:17
970 points

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