EDIT: SHORT VERSION - From a user's point of view what's better: One big site (Wikipedia) or multiple smaller sites (Spanishpedia and Techpedia)
I'm starting a site where people work together to collaborate on creating articles. The way people work together is sort of like a wiki, but not exactly.
The site will have many different unrelated categories, eg: sports, technology, Spanish, etc. Each category will have many different subcategories.
What do you think is better:
I'm thinking option 2 has the benefit that users interested in a topic will feel like they have a site dedicated to their interest, and it will create communities around people with common interests.
However option 1 has the benefit that users are more likely to see another category they are interested in and then possibly participate in articles on that topic too.
What do you guys think is better?
Funny you should ask. Joel, yes that Joel, has an article about just this topic at
http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/09/merging-season/ that covers when to break stackexchange into different sites and when not.
Sub-domains (i.e sports.example.com and tech.example.com) will introduce the issue of multiple logins (or the use of SSO: Single-Sign-On coding) for your user-base; Note: Sub-domains are usually considered different domains both by the search engines and when setting cookies.
So... example.com/sports and example.com/tech might be easier to work with if you decide on separate sites.
What do you guys think is better?
What do you guys think...
IMO, there is no easy answer, but it is a good question. :o)