Ability to delete your own answers and questions.


Based on this one: http://www.brightjourney.com/q/just-starting-important-learn-become-tech-entrepreneur-coding-design-sales#a-52478

Users probably ought to be able to delete their own answers, and probably their own questions as well. (I'm a little less sure about deleting questions, since that would effectively delete attached answers that somebody else put effort into. Perhaps there's a different way to handle that.)

added Mar 7 '14 at 20:24
3,465 points
  • I hope this isn't a duplicate. I looked and didn't see anything. – rbwhitaker 11 years ago
  • Yeah after this one it's apparent we need to provide that :) – Nishank Khanna 11 years ago
  • Question: should we make questions / answers readonly (un-editable) after x amount of time? Con: you can't edit it a year later to add latest info. Pro: it's fair to someone who spent time writing you a long answer (if you're the asker trying to delete a question). – Nishank Khanna 11 years ago
  • Maybe if you'd like to delete your answer / question, it's just collapsed and set as [deleted]. If someone wants to read the answer, they can still view revision history. – Nishank Khanna 11 years ago
  • I would recommend putting a 1 day limit on being able to delete your answer / question. That way it's fair to other people who contribute. I don't see why anyone would want to delete their post after a full day. – Bruce Schwartz 11 years ago
  • This is live with a restriction for now so we can test... Answers can be deleted within an hour of posting. Lets see how this goes and we can tweak accordingly. – Nishank Khanna 11 years ago
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