Agreed. Very interesting indeed! I'd also be interested in knowing visitor counts, even painted in broad strokes. Is the site gaining traction? It *seems* like it is, but I'd love to see if this is actually true. I don't know if you're interested in revealing that stuff at this point, which is fine too.
rbwhitaker11 years ago
@RB For the month of Feb the total was ~32K unique visitors. A majority of the site's traffic is direct at the moment. This will change in the months to come when the outreach to colleges start showing it's benefit in SEO (we're working on some content specifically for college entrepreneurship groups which would lead to many authoritative backlinks on .edu domains).
Nishank Khanna11 years ago
Thanks, Nishank!
rbwhitaker11 years ago
No problem at all! We can use the demographic data above to get our first feature in the media -- it's going to be about how women are a confirmed minority in the tech / startup community.
Nishank Khanna11 years ago