Promote a charity on each page


We should have a small space reserved in each page that promotes a charity from a pre-selected list.

It could even be an open source project.

Here are some charities I'd recommend we start with:

Does anyone know of any charity for animals better than the ASPCA in terms of overall impact? What I don't like about them is the fucking ridiculous $566K salary paid to the CEO each year.

added Mar 16 '14 at 06:59
Nishank Khanna
4,265 points
  • There is SPCA and PETA – Ronnie Skinner 11 years ago
  • At the risk of sounding like somebody who can't "think of the children", what's the purpose of this? It seems like it's going to add clutter and little more. People are here to get a better handle on building a startup, not to donate to a charity. Seems like best case scenario, you'll get most people ignoring it. Worst case scenario, if you pick the wrong charities, you'll turn people away. For example, PETA is highly controversial; not everyone will appreciate seeing links to them. – rbwhitaker 11 years ago
  • Maybe just a small link in the footer would do (if at all). I agree with @rbwhitaker about not making this too prominent. – Bruce Schwartz 11 years ago
  • You guys are right. Shelved. – Nishank Khanna 11 years ago
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