Q&A + Hacker News hybrid?


Q&A is a great platform in itself but one of the things that limits a pure Q&A model is sharing something interesting you found with the community.

Hacker News / Reddit are great at that.

We have been working on a hybrid model for the last few weeks and about a month away from completion.

It's almost a complete overhaul. That release will also include almost all of the current open items on the roadmap.

Any thoughts, suggestions or concerns on this hybrid model?

Nothing is ever final, so if things don't work out, we can always revert back to a pure Q&A model.

added Mar 20 '14 at 00:08
Nishank Khanna
4,265 points
  • Concerns: 1) It's easier for many to nitpick news than it is to add value. I go to Hacker News expecting to find out what's wrong with a piece / trend / author at this point. 2) Becoming a social news site could increase the portion of our audience that are consumers / tire-kickers instead of doers & operators. Suggestions: 1) Make it so that each submitted article needs to have a question / associated with it. This will help avoid the kneejerk negativity, focus discussion, and probably increase engagement. 2) Traditional Q&A should keep more visibility on the site; it's our unique val – Jay Neely 11 years ago
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