Currently we have a button leading to a page of unanswered questions, which doesn't appear to have a logical sort order.
Is it part of the site/community ethos that no question goes unanswered?
If so, there should be some consideration on how to display these questions (newest first? oldest first?) and perhaps a mechanic to encourage ageing questions to be looked at.
By example, in Quora people can request that a certain person give an answer to a question. Another option could be to analyse the tags in the question, against the same tags in user profiles and find the most relevant user and suggest they answer - I could see a workflow something like "Thanks for answering this question, perhaps you would also like to take a moment to answer this one as well...".
If not, what's the purpose of the unanswered questions filter page, and what are we going to do with these questions? Let them drift to the bottom? Downvote? Close?