I've had a small, part time email sales business for the last 3 years which shows good potential. I do however have a permanent day job which I can not afford to leave yet but I want to increase my clientele and orders of my part time business enough so that it can become a permanent business. I have tried a bit of social networking but I don't know how effective this is. To facebook, twitter and write blogs all the time is very time consuming and I think there might be more effective ways to increase your database and sales. I am based in Cape Town, South Africa and am in the wine industry. Suggestions please!
You haven't really explained what part of email sales you are in (e.g do you design them, manage lists, resell email services from Campaign Monitor etc).
General advice for marketing your services:
That's just a few bits but will all take you time. If you want to shortcut the process just pay for Google Ads and see how you get on.
You may consider keeping your day job and hiring a part-time / full-time employee. They could potentially work from home, and as long as you could check in with them and assign them work it may be a better option than you quitting a job that pays well.
Once your income on your side business grows ever more you can then be more confident in going fulltime with it yourself.