What Should I do as Founder


Hope you can help me out with little advice here. I recently founded a website and I have no technical programming. Perhaps I was lucky that I found a rich partner who can't work full time. But he has invested enough funds into the company for me to hire a 3-4 staff members. we are still conserving as much cash as possible and our monthly expenses are below $4k.
My question is since I do not have a technical background, I just find myself giving directions to other members of the company, this leads to bit of alienation and I feel I am not fully invested in the process. Should I learn some of the skills ( bit of programing, SEO, etc) and start contributing to day to operations or not. Since I have experts available, perhaps my participation might lead to inefficiency and slowing down of the daily operations.
What do you guys think.

Funding Startup Costs Founders Operations

asked Feb 23 '13 at 22:35
24 points
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  • What's your current role in the company? How much time do you invest now and in what areas? I remember a recent question by you and it sounds like you're doing market research, etc? – Jeremiah Prummer 12 years ago
  • Well I am committed full time to this project. You are right, I was working on getting customer feedback an your words were really encouraging :). I'm the one who manages the team, try to get customer feedback,Talk to celebrities to get them on board, do bit of content writing on social media, then report progress to my co founder who is more of investor rather than active partner. – Trana 12 years ago

5 Answers


Founders need to know a little bit of everything. Yes, you will delegate many things, but you also don't want to be misled by a contractor (or employee) which results in a problem for your company. Learn basic technical skills so you'll be even more passionate about the business!

answered Apr 30 '13 at 14:45
La Shon Anthony
36 points


In my views you should start learning about websites and how things work . You can specialize in some of the process . If you are not proficient in programming and marketing stuff you can provide your team with useful feedbacks on

  1. How, as a user you have experienced the site.
  2. Did ya like the new feature or not .
  3. Howz the color scheme .
  4. Research sites with similar backgrounds and look at the features they have implemented .
  5. Have a talk with your programming lead and suggest the new feature , discuss how it can be implemented and ask him if he has a better solution for it .
  6. Its good to learn about your business and technologies that you run , like seo , html5 css3 , marketing . Have a basic knowledge of everything , learn slowly and Master one of them . Analyze your skills .. if you are good with marketing , start learning more about it and take masters in it
answered Feb 24 '13 at 14:36
109 points
  • Thanks for your feedback. I think you are right on all counts. – Trana 12 years ago


Its always good to understand the core nuts & bolts behind your product/service in this case a web service. I would recommend starting to learn basic web development www.codeschool.com / wwww.treehouse.com are professional services that start from scratch and build up to more complicated development languages. There are a bunch of free videos on youtube and around the web, w3schools is a great free service.

answered Mar 26 '13 at 22:28
113 points


I don't understand your frustration, you can go ahead and learn all of the things you mentioned but... isn't that the reason you hired professionals to do those tasks? your job as of any manager or anyone else who manages people is to make sure people have everything they need to do their job in a productive and efficient manner, once you accomplish that then just get out of the way and let them do their work. Also, if you are truly a founder you should be spending your time on building and executing a roadmap, strategy, partnerships, etc..

Good luck!

answered Mar 28 '13 at 10:42
4,815 points


Peter Drucker once said, the role of a firm is to create and satisfy a customer. Note the create part, this can be done either by supplying a need (whether good or service) or in the age of technology enunciating a latent need (eg twitter for ambient intimacy). Founders of successful startups morph through different roles, from captain (absolute command) to coach to coordinator to change catalyst. It may well be that your strengths come at different stages or your co-founders complement them (eg technical v business nounce). Typically what works are the hacker and hustler roles, a technical and business type. Later on there may be more nuanced roles (eg operations, sales, etc). The founder is actually important in 2 different ways
a) identifying the market (or customer) ... why does the firm exist?
b) culture ... the values that you bring sets the tone for future hires.

I'd note one point (which you've already picked up).

my co founder who is more of investor rather than active partner

then they are not really a founder (in sense of actively forming the business) but more in the sense of a cheer-leader. So it sounds like you need to enunciate more clearly why do you exist and what are you trying to create. I'd commend to you this TED talk...
answered Apr 30 '13 at 16:03
501 points

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