Inventory management


we have a simple spare parts selling business online. At present We store and search parts from stores manually. Which is becoming hard day by day as inventory is growing. The solution I thought is to use a barcode and sticker on each item system as in superstores. But even though how can we be specific of where we put which item? We don't have well organized rack so that we can number them.

Sales Business Plan

asked May 9 '12 at 19:43
108 points
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3 Answers


You answered your own question - get a well organized rack.

Barcoding the items might help you keep track of IF you have a particular item, and noting it as it enters and leaves your possession. However, it does nothing toward organizing what you have.

Your best solution is to get racks that can be organized, and then establish a system for which part goes where, so that searching for any item can be done by getting you into the general vicinity of the item and reduce the effort needed to search for it.

answered May 10 '12 at 02:55
4,692 points
  • Thanks. I was wondering if it is the standard system, yours answer confirms it. – Eagleye 13 years ago


I agree that you need to get more organization in your spare parts inventory. What I've seen at different companies is that aisles with racks are sequentially numbered, for example aisle A, B, C. Then each rack in the aisle is numbered, like 1, 2, 3. Then on each rack there are levels like I, II, III. All parts in one lot are the same. The bar code, when integrated with your inventory management software, knows where a particular part is by giving you its location: Aisle B, rack 2, level I, so B-2-I. Since all lots are organized, you can easily find them by the location. And the location will be tied to the bar code of the part.

answered May 10 '12 at 11:12
323 points


well, I found a post in this forum,What's the best tool for keeping track of inventory. I think maybe the Excel with barcode generator add-in can help you keep your inventory well organized. Well, maybe you can read about this barcode-related article.

answered Jan 28 '13 at 12:27
11 points
  • thanks for your answer – Eagleye 12 years ago

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