I am launching some SaaS later next week that will be directly competing with someone who has a monopoly in the space. We will (hopefully) be cheaper, more features, better support and more transparent.
My question is what is "unethical" / would reflect badly on me and the company. I plan on doing some or all of the following:
I feel that points 1 & 2 would be fine although should I never directly mention the competitor's name and just say "try doing this elsewhere", "compared to competitor average".
Point 3 seems very gray area and the kind of thing that could make us look scummy?
Point #3 may not make you look scummy but it feels kinda "cheap" (for lack of a better word, apologies) - it's like bribing people to use your product. You may need to prove your worth before the bribe is worth it :)
Enter a gray area with grayness in approach...feel the waters, slowly and steadily move in, make strong foothold and once confident then you can offer that without losing face or feeling "iffy"