I run a company that sells online language-learning applications. I thought that I could also sell e-books. My question is - do I in the UK have to register for ISBN or ISSN? Is this obligatory, or I might as well publish my e-books without those numbers?
As far as I know, one can get ISSN number for free. Do you think it would be a good idea to apply for ISSN, and then publish my e-books under one name (it would be a series of e-books)?
If your e-books are one-off publications, text based and available to the public then they would qualify for ISBN. By "one-off publication" I mean that your publication is fully finished and complete (not coming out in successive issues in the way that a journal or magazine does) and that it is not going to be regularly updated. You might bring out a new or revised edition in a year or two for example, but not produce one every few weeks. If your publication is a one-off, then you can choose to assign an ISBN to it (you would apply to the national ISBN agency in the country where you live to get ISBNs - see www.isbn-international.org for contact details of national agencies). If your publication is more like a serial (it is being regularly updated) then it might qualify for ISSN but please contact your national ISSN centre for advice on that.